This little plate is very near and dear to my heart. Actually there are four little plates just like this one with simple yellow flowers and brambly looking leaves. These plates belonged to my great grandmother (also near and dear) who would use them to serve me my favorite breakfast delicacy: cheesy eggs. Thus coined "the cheesy egg plates," I really hoped that they would be passed on to me and yay! they were. I never knew anything about them because they held such sentimental value, I couldn't imagine t

hem being anything too valuable. According to the stamp on the bottom they are Peter Terris china, but that's all I had to go on. Ah the glory of google! I was browsing replacements.com (a favorite site of mine) under Peter Terris' collection and lo and behold, the first pattern I looked at was called
April. Here is the dinner plate from this pattern. Recognize those little yellow flowers on the lower right of the plate? Upon further investigation, I found that my plates are actually the salad plates from this pattern. There aren't many available to buy, but there is an adorable litle gravy boat with green ivy as well a sugar bowl with a wooden lid. I just love the whimsical placement of the flowers and even though all the pieces aren't the exact same design, they go together so well. While most of the treasures I received from my grandmother cannot be seen, these plates serve as a reminder of her repeated acts of love to a little curly-haired girl sitting down to cheesy eggs, with yellow flowers underneath.