August 26, 2010

Anti-recipe: Chili Coconut Pulled Pork

vintage cook

I have never claimed to be a learned chef…I just like to eat, so I enjoy cooking things that are tasty and easy. I hate long recipes and stick to dishes with few ingredients. Here is my most recent culinary amalgamation. Hope you like it as much as we did!


{1 pork loin roast}

sriracha chili

{a teaspoon or 2 of sriracha hot chili sauce}


{vita coco pure coconut water}


{1 bottle of terrapin ale}

Put your roast into a cold slow cooker. Dot it with Sriracha Chili Sauce (as much as you like…a tiny bit won’t make it spicy). Pour coconut water and beer over the roast. Put the lid on and let it cook (High 4-6 hours, Low 8-10 hours). You can shred the pork and eat it on sandwiches or just soak up the juice with bread. You can lick the plate. We did.

If you haven’t had Sriracha Chili Sauce, you must track some down. Apparently it is great in just about anything. I only got mine this week so this is my first time using it, but I can’t wait to try it out with other dishes (hamburgers, slaw, soups?). Also, I’ve been drinking the coconut water for its health benefits, but thought I’d try it for cooking too. Anybody else a fan of either product?