October 27, 2010

Trail of Terror….sort of


I guess I should apologize to those of you readers who aren't crazy about Halloween....it's definitely one of my favorite holidays to celebrate so I wanted to do several spook-tastic posts. I understand that everybody isn't all about it, but it holds such special memories for me. While I was growing up, we would put on our costumes (usually homemade) and parade around town to all our grandparents' houses. Sometimes we hit up the neighborhood, sometimes we did the church events. I still love it because it makes me feel like a kid.


Tonight, the southern beau and I are going on a ghost walk! Usually our ghost hunting adventures consist of stopping by Starbucks and driving around the college campus in our town. One time, I saw what I swear was a ghost in a window of the physics building. He says it was just an overhead projector. No matter, tonight is a real ghost walk. We've actually done this same one before, but it was 2 years ago so I'm hoping they have some new tales to tell. Basically we walk around the downtown area of our city with a guide and hear some legends about things that may or may not have happened at different buildings and sites. It is totally embellished, totally cheesy and totally awesome!


I don't do haunted houses and I don't do scary movies. The ghost walk is about as brave as I get. I like to celebrate with the friendlier elements of the holiday...i.e. candy corn and glitter! Anyway, if I don't post tomorrow, you'll know that the ghost walk did me in! ;) Only kidding. {also, I got a little slap happy with Picasa/Picnik today…if you hadn’t noticed. Try it if you’re looking for an easy photo editing program for people who aren’t super technical}