With all this talk of garage sales and getting rid of unwanted things, I’ve been thinking about my personal style and how I want to express it with the design of my home. I took a fun little quiz the other day about this very thing and thought I’d share it here, in case you haven’t seen it yet!
In the quiz, you select the images you find appealing and then are provided with an assessment about your style. It’s just for fun really, but it might give you some insight about yourself to help with design choices and changes.
These are a few of the images I chose for my responses. I nearly swooned over the hardwood floors…maybe someday!
My results are below. I always suspected I was unpretentious, but a bon vivant? Now I feel truly special!
Isn't it amazing what's available via the world wide web? If you take the quiz, let us know what your Style Maker type is! I can’t wait to find out if any of you are an “Unpretentious Bon Vivant” as well!