My “Only in the South” posts are usually a bit humorous (or at least I intend for them to be), poking a bit of loving fun at the traditions and culture of my sweet south. This post is different. In a season that can so easily get derailed by the commercial aspects or stress of having to make everything just so, I’m glad there are places where the true meaning of Christmas is known and celebrated.
And only in the south is one of those places a Shoney’s All American Diner. There is one particular Shoney’s location in my town that is always decked out for each holiday. Maybe saying it’s decked out doesn’t convey the degree of décor I’m talking about, but just picture hundreds of giant snowflakes hanging from the ceiling, 8 ft Christmas trees in every room and a mural with polar bears frolicking in the snow.
All these things are nice and festive, but the life-size nativity is what really caught my attention. In a time when everyone seems so afraid of offending people or Heaven forbid, saying Merry Christmas to someone who might not believe in Christmas….I’m really happy that I could enjoy my bacon and eggs while the reason for the season is illustrated in the next room.
Hope you are having a great week! And if you’re ever in East Tennessee, visit the Shoney’s on Western Avenue….I guarantee whatever the time of year, it’s a feast for the eyes.