Last week I went to a meeting of my college sorority alumnae group. Held at the home of one of my dearest college friends, the get-together was attended by members of Zeta Tau Alpha of all ages and stages of life. Some of us are newly graduated from the collegiate experience, some are young professionals, or engaged to be married, some mothers and wives and others grandmothers and retirees.
Our most senior member is in her mid-70s (I think) and while watching her win the trivia game we played, I thought about that could be me someday. I can’t imagine how different her college experience was from mine and I can’t imagine how different mine will be from the experiences of women who haven’t even been born yet, but will one day be part of our group.
Sorority life isn’t about joining a group of people who are cookie cutter versions of yourself. It’s not about partying or living it up in college. It’s about being part of a sisterhood that binds us together across age, race, life stage and experience. I love being part of something with such a rich history that I know will continue on long after I’m gone.
Do you belong to a sisterhood of some kind? It doesn’t have to be a sorority, that’s just my experience. I have other friendships that I liken to sisterhoods, without any formal membership. If you were in a sorority in college, was it something you’re glad you took part in?