November 5, 2012

Fall Back -- Give Thanks

I hope everyone had a lovely southern beau and I enjoyed a nice Sunday afternoon hiking at an East Tennessee nature area (although we didn't encounter anything nearly as exciting as the so-called big foot seen in Utah...yikes!)

Fall is my favorite time of year. In spring, all the trees and plants are working so hard to create new life and in summer, everything is just growing, growing. I like fall because it's a time when everything can heave a big sigh of relief...another growing season came to a close and the important work is finished. 

Fall, leaves fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree. 

The previous excerpt is from a poem by Emily Bronte...I think it's fitting because of the time change that just occurred...anyone else having trouble adjusting to the change? The days will be getting shorter and these chilly nights that are coming will find us piled up under our sweaters with a little cocoa or cider (if we're lucky). 

I feel very lucky these days. Some of my dear friends on Facebook are taking each day during November to share different things (and people) for which they are thankful. I'm thankful for a great many things, including you dear blog reader. I'm thankful for the opportunity to work from home and pursue my various passions. I'm thankful that I was fired from a job which was causing me to lose sight of my true self. I'm thankful for the Grace of God that continuously surprises me by empowering my heart to love people I had previously deemed unlovable (spell-check says that's right, but unloveable looks more right to me). 

I'm learning that the things I thought mattered so much really don't at all. And the things (read: people) I often overlooked are what truly matter. Instead of constantly living for the next great adventure, I'm taking each moment and enjoying the simple beauty it contains. Are you showing your thanks this month in a special way? I definitely don't think you have to make a public proclamation to have a thankful heart, but sometimes it's just fun to share those things that matter most. And you are one of those things. 

If nobody else told you so today...I appreciate you. You matter. You are loved. 

I hope we all have a fantastic week! 


p.s. Today would have been Vivien Leigh's 99th birthday...she will always be Scarlett O to me!