December 20, 2012
A Place to Belong
We all want to be welcomed. We all want to be brought in from the cold, from the aloneness, into a warm space filled with friendship. We want to belong. We’d love to have a person fling their door open, burst into smile, throw their arms around us and say, Get yourself in here. -- winn collier
These beautiful words (which a friend shared on Facebook) warmed my heart so much. They ring so true in my heart and I'm willing to bet they do in yours too. There's a deep desire in all of us to feel like we are part of be seen, heard and understood. I am so blessed this holiday season (and always) to have people in my life who make me feel loved and cherished and I hope you have that too.
I want this blog, my little corner of the internet, to be a place where feelings of love, friendship and belonging abound. It's not about page rank or unique visitors. It's about learning from each other and sharing a little love along the way.
I encourage us all to look with our hearts at folks who might not have friendship or a place of belonging and offer it to them -- freely without expecting anything in return. It is only by loving each other and extending grace that our lives have deeper meaning.
Blessings to you & yours this holiday season and in the coming year!
be encouraged,