Don't you just love those days that come out of nowhere and bring all sorts of wonderful little gifts you weren't expecting? Today was one of those.
After quietly ringing in the New Year, I spent yesterday cleaning up around the house and putting away Christmas decorations. Then today was back to exciting thing as this is the first New Year's since I started my own business. I feel so blessed to wake up each day and do something I love from the comfort of my own living room.
I was also able to grab a bite of lunch with my parents and the southern beau. My parents were in town today for a doctor appointment because my dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis a couple years ago and he sees a wonderful neurologist in town.
It felt like such a rare treat for us to be together for a meal that isn't a holiday, and we were thrilled to hear my dad got a great report from his doctor.
It's the little things that really are the big things.
I'll leave you with this story (which I don't remember happening, but it made me laugh all the same). When I was a child, my grandparents' home was robbed while they were at church one Sunday. We all came over after church to eat lunch and take stock of what was missing. Apparently I surveyed the kitchen and said (with great relief) "Don't worry granny, they didn't get the banana pudding!" It appears I've always had my priorities in the right place ;)