March 6, 2013

Adventures in Washington D.C.

I've been doing a bit of traveling lately and the above photo is one of the locations I visited...and no, it's not my neighborhood Cracker Barrel. I was actually in Washington, D.C. for a few days on a work trip and part of my business took me to Capitol Hill. That's where I visited the offices of both my state (Tennessee) senators and the above photo was taken in Senator Lamar Alexander's office.

If you haven't made a trip to D.C., I suggest you do! Most of my time was spent working, but I so enjoyed getting to see the Senate and House office buildings where all the heavy stuff goes down...a little too heavy these days if you ask me, what with all this Sequestration business. But politics aside, I was proud to see all these wonderful Tennessee artifacts adorning the walls in Sen. Alexander's office.

It reminded me that our legislators really are supposed to represent us in Washington (whether they actually do or not is another issue). It also made me think of my great grandparents who never visited our nation's capital. They would have been so surprised, as I was, to walk into such a formal office building and see things that reminded them of home.

Another highlight of my visit to the Hart Senate Building was the cafeteria...what can I say? I'm a food enthusiast. I didn't try these yummy-looking root beer float cupcakes, but I had to snap a picture. NOT your typical cafeteria fare!

Prior to this past week's trip, my most recent visit to D.C. was in 1994 (I was in the 6th grade) so let's just say I enjoyed many aspects of the city that were off-limits to me then. I'm sad I didn't get a chance to visit my fabulous blogger friend Miss P (I Do Declare). Oh well, there's always next time!