Life has been a tiny bit crazy these days...and I've been pushing the blog to the bottom of the to-do list. My hot water heater kicked the bucket, flooding my home in the meantime (see the blackened carpet above). And I'm grateful as can be to be getting the carpet replaced, but the process of packing up all your belongings as if you are moving in order for carpet to be installed is something of a chore.
In the midst of packing up everything, I moved my couch away from the wall and spotted this little branch just growing, growing up through my living room.
I recently watched a documentary called "Happy" (available on Netflix if you subscribe). It's all about the idea of happiness and how it means different things to different people around the world. I suggest you watch it if at all possible. Especially if you need a little attitude adjustment or a perspective shift. I perpetually need an attitude adjustment and a perspective shift these days, so I might start watching it on repeat.
There's really no point to this post. Just to share those few thoughts. And my little branch. Which sort of makes me happy for no reason.
I hope you're having a good week.